How Chinese farmers raise more than 10 million dogs for meat every year - China Dog Farm

Hello friends. For many people, dogs are the most loyal companions, providing love and protection in any situation. However, in some regions, more than 10 million dogs have become familiar food. Similar to pork, lamb, or goat meat. Do you know which country consumes the most dog meat? The answer may surprise you - it's China. Let's discover why the Chinese enjoy eating dog meat. The reasons for China's preference for dog meat remain a subject of curiosity, with cultural, historical, and culinary factors playing important roles. Join me to find out in the video below.

China is currently the world's largest consumer of dog meat, with millions of dogs processed into food each year. Estimates range from 10 to 20 million. They are often raised on farms to provide meat to consumers. Since ancient times, Chinese people have domesticated dogs and considered them one of the most loyal pets. According to archaeologists, dogs have been an indispensable part of Chinese families for at least 7,000 years. Initially, they were raised to assist in hunting, but later raising dogs for processing became more popular. Dog meat is not only a part of daily cuisine but is also considered an emergency food source in times of war or food scarcity. According to traditional Chinese medicine, dog meat is said to have many health benefits. Because dog meat helps increase human body temperature.

Feeding of dogs on large meat farms in China is often regulated to ensure they reach sufficient weight and meat in the shortest possible time. Their diets are often designed to optimize growth and development, including foods rich in protein and energy. However, this often does not consider nutritional richness and balance, which often focuses on reproductive performance and rapid weight gain. Ignorance about how to properly raise dogs can lead to both physical and mental health problems for these animals.

After being raised indoors and fattened, the dogs are transported to processing factories for meat, serving the consumption needs of many illegal markets in China. According to data, dozens of dogs can be processed every day at some meat processing plants. This place attracts many restaurants and people to buy dogs, creating a worrying supply chain. Dog meat is easily found and sold in street markets and restaurants. For those who eat dog meat, they believe that dog meat is no different from other animal meats.

In modern times, dog meat consumption varies significantly by region in China. Dog meat cuisine is most popular in southern provinces such as Guangdong, Guangxi, and Northwest Guangxi. The Ulin Festival dog meat fair, famous everywhere, takes place in Ulin City, Guangxi province, and is a highlight in folk culture. Many people believe that eating dog meat in the summer brings luck and health. Although dog meat is considered part of traditional cuisine in these areas, the majority of today's younger Chinese generation do not consume dog meat and even oppose it. The Chinese government has encouraged restrictions on dog meat consumption, although some historical practices continue to exist.

Nowadays, raising dogs in families is more popular than ever. From providing food to providing health care, they are valued and loved as the most loyal companions. Although there is no denying the popularity of dog meat consumption in China, we hope those who consume dog meat will consider and limit the amount of this meat in their diet. Many studies have shown that dog meat contains many dangerous bacteria and pathogens such as roundworms, tapeworms, and rabies viruses. If dog meat is not cooked thoroughly, the risk of infection is very high. Regular consumption of dog meat can cause health problems such as gout, obesity, and dehydration. Overeating can also cause excess protein and increased uric acid in the blood. While dog ownership is an important part of culture and animal sentiment, limiting dog meat consumption can provide health benefits for both humans and pets.

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